As serial actress Raksita exited the Bigg Boss house after 91 days last Sunday, popular serial actress Premi Venkat took to her Instagram page to give Rachitha the title of ‘People’s Superstar’ and made a long post praising the actress.
“Hi my dear Rachu, how many days it has been since I met you? and after 90 days since you came out from Bigg Boss, I met you today. I am very happy. It’s been a long time… such a joy. Play Bigg Boss very well my dear, you must have faced a lot of problems, trials have come and everything was handled very patiently and beautifully. I really liked the way you handled it. I liked that everyone cooks beautifully and everyone is very friendly. You played all the games so brilliantly that somehow you will surely become one of the top 5 contestants. You too must have had unwavering faith. But if we thought why we came out in our 90 days and why we did not come in the top 5, there is only one answer to that, we are going to go to a greater height than this. We are the first in such a range and we will definitely come, she said.
“You don’t give any feeling.. You will definitely get your show and come to the number one position.. How it was and how it ended is a big achievement. All the people here are your fans and followers and all the people are supporting you. I was very happy to share many photos and comments. I thank them all on your behalf. You have to go much higher. After 90 days, the selfie you took with me reminds me of the selfie we took. I think it is a great achievement that you could be without a mobile phone. Ok, everyone misses you. May you get back all your relationships, friends, happiness and peace. Take a good rest and get back up and try again for the first position… Right.. All the best may all the success come to you… Love you my dearâ¤ï¸, she concluded.
For the unverswed, the 6th season kickstarted with GP Muthu, Asal Kolaar, Mohammed Azeem, Ayesha, Robert Master, Sheriina Sam, Manikandan Rajesh, Rachitha Mahalakshmi, Ram Ramasamy, Dinesh Kanagarathnam, Janany Kunaseelan, Shanthi Aravind, Vikraman, Amudhavanan, Maheshwari, VJ Kathir, Queency Stanly, Nivaashiyini, Shivin Ganesan and Dhanalakshmi.
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